Release Date Change…Again!

Ugh. Things always seem to come in threes, don’t they? I’m bracing for the third at the moment.

We have had to push the release date for Claimed back yet again, due in part to a formatting glitch, and also because I have been writing on a seriously short schedule. My editor, cover artist, and eXtasy’s proofer, not to mention the formatter and my EIC have only had one month to prepare Claimed to get it out.

And we are all people and we all have lives other than the work we do. My editor fell sick (completely not his fault) and at home, I have issues as well.

My son, who is 16 has been home from school for three months and has been unwell since November last year. Looking after an unwell child/teenager takes time. He struggles with foods and we are never sure what is going to make him sick.

In the past two weeks, we have struggled particularly and we have only just discovered some foods he may have allergies to we never knew about. So we are hopeful the next few months will see a significant improvement, but this all takes a toll on the time I have to write.

I have asked for a temporary change in schedule, while we deal with my son’s problems and bring him up to health again. This means Saved (Project Destiny 2) probably won’t be ready for release on November 4th.

I will send it along to my EIC when it is done and she will set a release date that is achievable for all of us involved in preparing it for publication.

Unfortunately, there is not much we can do when we or our loved ones get sick except look after ourselves and them and make health our priority.

Once my boy is well, it will be all engines firing again, and I’m really excited to write this new series and share it with you. It’s going to be lots of fun!

I’ll keep my projects page updated as I write Saved and post release dates as soon as I have them here and on Facebook, so if you haven’t liked my author page on Facebook you can click on the link in the sidebar to take you there. Or you can subscribe to my blog and will receive an email whenever I post an update.

Of course, you can also join my mailing list too.

I keep it firmly in my mind whenever my son is particularly sick that forwards is the only way we can go. It’s my new mantra.

So forwards!

And I’ll be talking to you again soon.

